Panoramic and scenic pictures from the Romandy region (Western Switzerland).
About Western Switzerland (Romandy or Romandie)

- Population: 1'707'068 (2002)
- Language: French
- Major cities: Geneva, Lausanne, Yverdon, Neuchatel, Bienne, La Chaux de Fonds
Western Switzerland, also known as "Romandie" or "Romandy" is located in the western part of Switzerland near the border to France.
A mountain chain, called the "Jura" stretches along the border to France from Geneva to Basel. Its highest elevation is 1717 meters above sea level.
Between Lake Geneva in the south and Lake Neuchatel, the landscape is rather flat and extensivly used for farming and industry.
In the south east, parts of the Swiss Alpes are located within Western Switzerland.
Points of interest
The major cities: Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchatel and Yverdon are defenitely worth a visit.
You should not miss the lakeshore of Lake Geneva between Lausanne and Montreux.
You will feel like at the French Rivièra, with the difference of having the alps in front of you.
If you are in the Jura and like hiking, go aling the Doubs River.
You think there are no sandy beaches in Switzerland? Well then visit the campsite "VD8" near Yvonand!
400 B.C.
Colonisation by the Helvetics, a celtic group. -> Confoederatio Helvetica (CH), the latin name and car-sign of Switzeland are derivated of that
after 58. B.C.
Roman province. -> Capital: Aventicum (todays name Avenches, a little town between Murten and Yverdon)
after 400
Immigration of the Burgunds (->French language)
after 500
Western Switzerland becomes part of Frankish Realm.
War of the Burgunds, Voud and parts of Geneva are occupied by Bern (since 1353 an independent state in the Swiss Confederation)
Fribourg joins the Confederation.
The Confederation leaves the German Empire.
Occupation of Western Switzerland by Napoleon. -> The Helvetic Republic, a centralistic french satelite state is founded, the occupied territories (like Voud) become independent.
Voud joins Switzerland as independent Canton.
The Cantons of Neuchatel and Geneva joing Switzerland.
Creation of the Confederation we know today with the Capital Bern.
The Canton Jura declares independency of the Canton Bern and joins the Confederation.
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